A tale of land

A mixture of knowledge, experience and love.

Made in Cilento

100% dalla nostra Terra

100% from our Earth
Starting from its logo the company affirms his family’s origins: on the motherly side historical olive growers and pressers, on the fatherly side winegrowers, the grandfather had been founding member of the wine-producers’ co-operative of Castel San Lorenzo (SA). Also father Pasquale and mother Angela in their turn have dedicated their life cultivating olives and grapevines.
In each bottle there isn’t just only a product but much more : Love, Art, Culture, Tradition, Knowledge, Hope and Dreams.



The cultivation of olives and vines is a ‘’Family Affair’’, which has been handed down from generation to generation in respect of ancient farmer knowledge.
A legacy composed by a mix of traditions: on the motherly side historical olive growers and pressers, on the fatherly side winegrowers.


The production is located in the ‘’Valle del Calore’’ within the Cilento’s national park, the MAB Biosphere Reserve and the land of the Mediterranean diet.
Rosa Pepe is one of the companies authorized to include in its label the brand of the Cilento’s National Park, a guarantee of the sense of belonging to the territory and a security of reliability about the company.


Rosa Pepe joins the project QR code ‘’Transparent Campania’’, the Promoting Committee of the Integrated and Rural Districts and the Network of Internal and Protected Areas of the province of Salerno and the program of integrated contention of the Campania region.


Agricultural Company Rosa Pepe is committed to safeguarding biodiversity and also pledged to the protection and enhancement of the local’s agricultural varieties by adhering to agronomic techniques dictated by the local rural tradition.

Basket of Biodiversity

The basket of biodiversity is an operational innovative group headed by the Committee of Rural districts, quality agribusiness and supply chain of internal and protected areas. It aims to spread products and services that share a common model of sustainable development for the territory.

CREA entity

The agricultural company works in close collaboration with CREA, the research center for horticulture located in Pontecagnano (SA), where Rosa Pepe operates in parallel with her agricultural business activity, it deals with the recovery, characterization and enhancement of horticultural and wine-growing biodiversity.


From our land

Red wine and extra virgin olive oil, but also natural products such as loofah, loofah and soap, natural olive oil soap, hypericum, chamomile, and marigold oleolites. The Rosa Pepe farm offers different products that can be purchased online.

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Azienda Agricola Rosa Pepe
Contrada San Paolo, Castel San Lorenzo (SA)

Tel. 328 4864152

© Copyright 2016 Azienda Agricola Rosa Pepe
Sito made in Elementi Creativi