Our philosophy
The Rosa Pepe Agricultural Company was founded in 2014.
The company logo is a tribute to “Nonna” Rosa: n fact it represents her initials found on a pillowcase dated 1870. Starting from the logo the company declares its family origins: on the motherly side historical olive growers and pressers, winegrowers and one of the founding members of the Social winery of Castel San Lorenzo on the fatherly side. Father Pasquale and mother Angela in their turn have dedicated their life cultivating olives and grapevines.

The company is composed of three corporate bodies, about 2 km apart from each other. The vineyard is located in Farneta and was inherited by her father Pasquale. The olive grove, instead, is located in the municipality of Roccadaspide and is the legacy of mother Angela.
The production area is the Valle del Calore, crossed entirely by the river Calore Lucano, which rises from the slopes of Monte Cervati. It is part of the national park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni, heritage Unesco, and MAB reserve of biosphere, cradle of the Mediterranean diet.
The company started by bottling its extra-virgin olive oil “Brio and Luce” and its red wine “PepeRosso”, to whom were added later other products such as soaps and loofahs sponges.
Rosa Pepe’s oils are exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Artist of the Third Millennium of Policastro Bussentino (SA) at the technique section Art of knowledge and Tradition, because inside each bottle there is not only one product but much more: Love, Art, Culture, Tradition, Knowledge, Hope and Dreams.
No coincidence that the labels are inspired by the painting of the painter Antonio Balbi.
The monitoring of environmental qualification and bioenergetics evaluation of the supply chain and of the products are carried out by “ARCH”.Graziana Santamaria applies the Geo-Bio® quality procedure.
The company, for the purpose of greater transparency and traceability joins the project QR code “Transparent Campania”, the Promoting Committee of the Integrated and Rural Districts and the Network of Internal and Protected Areas of the province of Salerno (ITALY) and the program of integrated contention of the Campania region.
Besides it participate in the GOI project – La cesta della biodiversità (The basked of Biodiversity), it is in the network of companies since the start and is a member of the “Salernum Vites Consortium” and of the Agriculture, Research and Fashion association.
From September 2018 the Azienda Agricola Rosa Pepe is one of the 68 companies in the Cilento National Park that have been authorised to include the Park brand on their label.
A step forward that confirms the sense of belonging to the territory and the seriousness of the company in respect of what is established in the disciplinary of use of the “Parco nazionale del Cilento” brand.